
MEDICAL CERTIFICATE: every participant, excluding participants at 14K, must be in possession of a valid agonistic sport medical certificate (template on download area).
MEHT races are open to everyone aged 18 years old on June 29.07.2024.
For 85K race are required 3 ITRA points gained between 01.01.2021 / 31.12.2023.
For 55K and 38K the OC recommend to have completed at least one TRAIL RUNNING race on alpine environment of about 40K and 2.500m D+.
Every participant must be aware of chosen race length and specific terrain where the race takes place, be well trained and have acquired before the race, a full capacity of self-autonomy in an alpine mountain environment, in particular:
- Be able to face weather conditions that could become difficult as are connected to an alpine environment that can change fast and drastically, so this is an aspect that cannot be underestimated; therefore able to face extreme weather conditions such as intense cold/hot, snow or rain, strong wind etc.
- Be able to manage physical/psychological problems connected to high level of tiredness, gastrointestinal problems, muscular/articular pain, small wounds, hunger/thirst feelings etc.
- Be conscious that the OC role is not helping the participant to face his race.